Monday, October 7, 2013

Organic Food, Is It Really Advantageous?

By Jason Cooper

Organic Food, Is It Truly Beneficial?

Switch on the TV or take a glimpse at the latest health books and you will notice that the term "organic food" is being widely promoted as the new way to have a healthly life. The organic food marketplace is thriving because lots of men and women are taking an interest and they tend to be more expensive than non-organic food. As with any new craze, the question must be asked; Is all the positive reviews of organic food the true or is this merely another way to try and get more money from the general consumer? Is the high price for organic food justified?

Before I proceed I must make clear what is meant by organic. The expression organic describes something that has not been chemically modified or had chemicals used in its production. Things like synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified microbes, fabricated fertilizers and pesticides are not used with organic food. When it comes to organic meat, eggs and daily products, these have had no antibiotics or growth hormones (GH) added to enhance the pace that they can be produced.

If you wish to sell food and require it to be called "organic", you will find there's requirement that the food has to be in produce for 3 years. The purpose of this waiting period is to enable the soil to produce natural nutrients and minerals so that the new crop is totally free from chemicals when it is grown Certainly, producing organic food is no easy job and thus the price tag can be justified As good as this all sounds, some still ponder if it is still all necessary. What are the other advantages of organic food?

It definitely seems there are more rewards, as studies have shown that organic food is more nutritious. Milk from cows that were organically bred contained, on average, 50% more Vitamin E, 70% more Beta Carotene, 2 times as many antioxidants and more Omega-3 than milk made in the conventional way. Organic food is also free of the various chemically enhancing agents mentioned earlier which often can have a detrimental effect on your health. Moreover, you never run the risk of ingesting cancer causing substances which is a huge benefit to picking organic food. The next benefit is a matter of opinion, as many people say organic food tastes better than non organic, but again you cannot say this as a fact because its down to ones individual preferences.

Organic food is actually also very good for the environment. This is because organic food is not fed any insecticides and pesticides when it is cultivated. Although this does take more effort and time, it has a positive effect on the environment with the absence of the chemicals that are usually used. Global warming is becoming a severe threat to our present day society. The good news is that organic food doesn't use chemicals so it will never create too much pollution. Organic food additionally affects the way animals are handled, as free range chickens are allowed to roam free and eat when they like whereas many normal chickens are subject to abuse, such as being crammed in cages with lots of other chickens and force fed food to fatten them up.

The facts are pretty straight forward; organic food is more desirable for the environment, the welfare of the animals and certainly for your health. Now its just up to you to make the final choice. Of course, as mentioned at the outset, the price of organic food can be substantially higher then regular food. But always remember that when purchasing on the organic market you are doing something good for yourself and for the environment so personally I feel it is a small price to pay.

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Here you will get infomation about how to make organic baby food. To make the best organic baby food, you will need to start with the best ingredients. If you can, grow it yourself. But if not, be sure to purchase the right produce. Buy local, organic produce whenever possible in order to maximize the nutritional benefits and freshness. Read this series of blog to see how easy it is to make your own organic baby food

P.S Feed your baby healthy homemade baby food with our wholesome tasty baby food recipes Get It Here NOW

P.P.S Learn tips for making baby food at home Just Click Here

P.P.P.S " Advice for new parents, baby products and homemade food recipes" Just Click Here

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